divendres, 11 de desembre del 2015

Rear window. Aitana Redó Manzano

This is a picture of the view that I can see from a window of my house.
In this photo, as  you can see  that there are many cars, some  are white, some others are  black and some grey.
There is also a lamppost  near one of the cars and on  the pavement there is a man walking his dog and it  seems he has just gone out  from his house .
Above the lampost, there are a lot of balconies with different awnings, as for example the  red one, which is in the  window next to the balcony.
On this street there are usually many people . I also wanted to add that from this window there is a nice view but the buildings are quite old. But I must  admit that I like this street because from this window there is always a good breeze.
I like my street !!!

Rear window. Joan Ortiz Vivas

It's a sunny day. In the photo I can see all the city and above it, a lot of clouds. The sky is blue like a sea, but the clouds are grey like a stone. Below the clouds there are a lot of buildings: one of them very big an the others very small. looking at the picture, I think it was made in the morning. I think it is a very nice day in the photo.

Rear window. David Almero Pena

This photo was taken from  my father's office window.
It  was taken on a  Thursday evening.
In the foreground I  can see some balconies, in the background there are some buildings. On the right there is a big tree that is on a small park, near the park there is a white van. In all the park and near the buildings there are a lot of streetlights. 
There are no people in the photo that  night but normally there are a lot of people mainly children, they are usually walking their dogs.

divendres, 4 de desembre del 2015

Rear window by Ginés Bayona, 1st of ESOB.

Rear window

There is one big factory, there are a lot of houses, there is one garage,a piece of wasted ground and there, there is a wheel tractor and some bushes.I can also see a big building and on the top of the building a clothes line.
I can also see one chimney, a lot of doors and windows.This is all I can see from my room's window.
by Ginés Bayona, 1st of ESOB.


dijous, 3 de desembre del 2015


Last Wednesday we went to Valencia to do a guided visit in English in a museum called the Iber museum.
When we arrived to the museum a group of students from el Drac were waiting for us, so first we met them and introduced ourselves in English.
Once inside the museum we met Bob, he was the guide and first of all  he started talking about the history of the building. It was the house of a rich family whose son had collected tin soldiers since he was very young.This museum has the biggest collection of the world of tin soldiers!!!
They were placed in a way that represented historical scenes like the Almansa's battle or the conquest of Valencia.We vsited all the museum listening to Bob's explanations and looking at the little soldiers which seemed to be alive.
The second part of the visit consisted of a presentation of all the Hollywood  films which had been made in Spain. We learned a lot about history and cinema and we also understood it all because the guide spoke in a very clear English. One curiosity is that we found out that the word "Cesarea" comes from Julious Caesar.
The experience was great because we met new students and at the same time we learned a lot of things!!!

Students from Practical English.

dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2015



Hey students, you have here a new task to do, if you do it, you will get extra mark and a of course some sweets and there will be a prize for the three best pictures and descriptions.

What do you have to do?
- 1st – take a picture of what you see from one of your home windows.
- 2nd – Describe the picture, using maximum 70 WORDS.( We are going to give you some tips).
- 3rd – Send the picture to 

anna@lescarolines.com or

sandrine@lescarolines.com and that's it.



How can you do that?there are some "basics" when describing pictures,I´ll show you the most relevant steps below:
1.You shoud introduce the picture/topic using expressions such as:
  • The photo/ picture shows...
  • It was taken on a ( day, time of the day)example, on a Friday night.
  • It´s a black-and-white/coloured photo
2. Locate the different items in the photo using: ( as in the picture above).
  • In the foreground/ background you can see..../there is...
  • In the middle/centre there are / I can see....
  • At the top/At the bottom there is....
  • On the left/ right there is....
  • Behind/ In front of... you can see...
  • Between...there is....
   3. What are they doing? now you describe the people in the picture or you say what is happening now using the present continuous (am/is/are + verb-ing).
You can also use physical descriptions and describe the clothes they are wearing.
4. Personal opinion
You should finish by expressing your personal opinion.You can use the expressions below:

  • It seems as if....
  • The lady seems to...
  • Maybe...
  • Ithink...
  • I wonder....
  • I like / don´t like the picture because....
It's a sunny day. In the photo I can see all the city and above it, a lot of clouds. The sky is blue like a sea, but the clouds are grey like a stone. Below the clouds there are a lot of buildings: one of them very big an the others very small. looking at the picture, I think it was made in the morning. I think it is a very nice day in the photo.

This photo was taken from  my father's office window.
It  was taken on a  Thursday evening.
In the foreground I  can see some balconies, in the background there are some buildings. On the right there is a big tree that is on a small park, near the park there is a white van. In all the park and near the buildings there are a lot of streetlights. 
There are no people in the photo that  night but normally there are a lot of people mainly children, they are usually walking their dogs.

Rear window

There is one big factory, there are a lot of houses, there is one garage,a piece of wasted ground and there, there is a wheel tractor and some bushes.I can also see a big building and on the top of the building a clothes line.
I can also see one chimney, a lot of doors and windows.This is all I can see from my room's window.
by Ginés Bayona, 1st of ESOB.

This is a picture of the view that there is a window of my house.
In them you can see many cars : some white, some black, some gray ...
There is also a lighted lamp beside one of the cars and the sidewalk there is a man walking his dog and seems to just leave your home .
Beside the streetlight on the pavement there is a floor in no balconies above them and there are different awnings, as there is for example a red one.
On this street there are many people but that also makes this more quiet home . I also wanted to add that from this window there is a nice view but it's a very old house. But I admit that I like this street because whenever I trace me a good weather window breathe .
I like my street !!!


dimecres, 11 de novembre del 2015

divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2015

Resultat d'imatges de diversion       

Com serien en valencià? Dissenya-les i envia els teus treballs a anna@lescarolines.com
És un treball voluntari i per tant te 2 positius i un caramel de premi

dimecres, 6 de maig del 2015

divendres, 17 d’abril del 2015

URL duolingo.com
eslògan Free language education for the world
Tipus de lloc Aprenentatge virtual, traducció, crowdsourcing
Registre Gratuïta
Llançament 30 Novembre 2011; fa 3 anys
Situació actual Públic
Duolingo és una plataforma d'aprenentatge virtual d'idiomes i traducció. El servei està dissenyat perquè mentre els usuaris van aprenent ajuden a traduir webs i altres documents.[1][2] El 2014 Duolingo oferia cursos de castellà, francès, alemany, brasiler, italià, holandès, danès i irlandès per a parlants d'anglès. Així mateix ofereix cursos d'anglès per a parlants de castellà, francès, alemany, portuguès, italià, holandès, rus, polonès, turc, hongarès, romanès, japonès, hindi, indonesi i coreà.[3] La plataforma es pot accedir via la interfície web o amb una aplicació mòbil específica, ja sigui per a telèfons intel·ligents o tauletes tàctils.


El projecte fou iniciat pel professor Luis von Ahn i l'estudiant de postgrau Severin Hacker.[4] En el desenvolupament s'utilizà principalment el llenguatge Python[5] i hi participaren Antonio Navas, Vicki Cheung, Marcel Uekermann, Brendan Meeder, Hector Villafuerte i Jose Fuentes.[6] Originàriament el projecte fou patrocinat mitjançant la Beca MacArthur atorgada a Luis von Ahn en 2006 i una beca de la National Science Foundation dels EUA.[7][8]
Duolingo va iniciar el període de proves el 30 de novembre de 2011, acumulant una llista d'espera de més de 300.000 usuaris.[9] El llançament públic es va realitzar el 19 de juny de 2012 i el 2013 va ser elegida app de l'any per iPhone, la primera vegada que aquest honor anava a un aplicació d'educació.[10] La plataforma ha assolit una gran notorietat i popularitat amb fins a 25 milions d'usuaris a data de 2014.[11][10]